850 Penstemon Native Seeds, Digitalis Husker Red – Hartwegii Sensation Flower Seed Garnet BeardTongue-PeavyTailor
Penstemon is an evergreen perennial or subshrub with slender stems covered with narrow, lance-shaped dark green leaves. The trumpet-shaped flowers with a striped throat are densely packed in spikes that arch outward from the center of the plant from late spring to fall and are often seen year-round in coastal gardens.
Tall spikes of fragrant showy flowers. Penstemon is extremely drought tolerant and also tolerates heat. Attracts hummingbirds and resists deer and rabbits.
Pinch plants after the first bloom to promote a quick re-bloom and cut back hard in winter to encourage a new flush of dense growth in spring. This plant often self-sows.
Penstemon is easy to grow and tolerates poor soils. This plant likes lots of sun and can grow to around 30″ tall, and spreads to around 18″ wide.
After 4-8 weeks in the refrigerator, sow anytime. Plant 2 – 3 seeds per plant, do not cover. Keep flower seeds moist until germination. seeds need light to germinate the following spring.