120 Venidium Monarch of the Veldt Flower Seeds Mix Cape Daisy Heirloom Rare flower exotic Fresh Garden Seeds


Very suitable for cut flowers, large-scale landscape or ground cover planting. Grow Venidium seeds for a brilliant display of color all summer and fall.

The Venidium flower is in the aster family, and it goes by the common names of Monarch of the Veldt and Cape Daisy. it is cultivated as an ornamental plant for its prized flowers. Mix Cape Daisy flowers into the border or plant around the vegetable garden, as they are very attractive to beneficial insects and pollinators.

This flower is tolerant of heat, sun, and drought. During the flowering period, the plants produce very ornamental large flowers with a dark center. Monarch of the Veldt, is an annual plant with long leaves, which are covered with silvery hair that create characteristic rosettes.

Blooms from late spring to autumn, prefers full sun or partial shade,beneficial insects and birds are very attracted to them.

Start Venidium seeds indoors in late winter for earliest bloom. Space seedlings 12 inches apart. Easy to grow and maintain, provide full sun, regular watering, and fertile, well-drained soil, these flowers will not disappoint you.
