1000 Cosmos Seeds in a Mixture of 12 Varieties Easy to Grow Long Blooming Period in All Zones Cosmos Bipinnatus Picotee
Mission gardens often included these flowers, which priests gave the name “cosmos,” the Greek word for a harmonious whole, because of their neatly spaced petals.
Mixed Color Blooms Attract Bees & Butterflies/Monarchs, Pink, Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple and White Mixed Species!
Cosmos is attractive to all sorts of beneficial insects and is incredibly beautiful when planted in mass. These gorgeous annuals thrive with neglect and they are perfect for the weekend gardener.
A sunny location and moderate water is all that they need to perform well. Planting Season – Spring, Full Sun or Partial Shade, 3-4 Inch Saucer-Shaped Daisy-Like Blooms, Fern-Like Pinnatisect Leaf Shape.
Open Pollinated, Attracts Pollinators, Easy to Grow & Maintain, Fast Growing.